Designed to transform your relationship with money through holistic education & mindfulness practice.
Deepen Your Relationship To Healing
Delivered Monthly
Curated Digital Content
Thought-provoking themes that explore the impact of money in various aspects of our lives.
Personalized Digital Tools
Unique Mindfulness and Reflection Activities
Expand your mental and emotional toolkit for optimal financial wellness.
Support & Accountability
Live Financial Coaching (Digital Sessions)
A safe space for the community to connect, learn, heal and transform.
The Annual Membership that is
designed to meet you where you're at.
Mindfulness & Money is here to help you transform your relationship with money and uplift your mind, body, and soul. Each month, members are introduced to new Mindfulness & Money themes, allowing them to explore their own relationship to money and develop personalized tools to achieve financial wellness.
Financial Challenges Are A Shared Experience
Mindfulness & Money is Co-Founded by Award-winning entrepreneurs, Aseel El-Baba and Rhiannon Rosalind. Aseel is a high-net-worth financial planner-turned-therapist specializing in the unique modality of financial therapy, and Rhiannon is the Founder of Conscious Economics with over a decade in financial wellness education and experiential learning. Their shared passions led to the creation of this unique program designed to create financial healing and address the economic trauma that we ALL experience in our modern world. Aseel and Rhiannon are on a joint global mission to empower humanity to redefine their relationship with money and improve economic outcomes for future generations. As dedicated mothers and passionate business leaders, Aseel and Rhiannon are a breath of fresh air in the financial wellness space, offering safe, inclusive, and empowering environments for their community to heal, grow and transform.
The Mindfulness & Money Annual Membership Aims To
Build Financial Confidence
Through Community.
This integrative digital learning program is informed by community experts and real, lived experiences. Anchored in financial therapy, Mindfulness & Money is designed and delivered to optimize engagement and invite everyone to join the conversation.
Participants will gain a unique set of tools to empower them in the New Economy and Future of Work.
Join Our
As a valued member of the Mindfulness & Money community, you'll receive exclusive membership updates and offers. Enter your email address below and start your journey toward living in your true, authentic alignment.
No payment required. We'll only notify you with important information about the program.
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Learn More About Conscious Economics
Our philosophy is rooted at the intersection of four pillars (People + Planet + Profit + Art) that create the foundation of the Conscious Economy. We strive to support the total wellbeing of PEOPLE and the PLANET holistically, through mind, body, and spirit. We understand the value of PROFIT and business but encourage new ways of envisioning these currencies as tools for social change. And we honour ART, in all of its forms, as the foundation for an innovative and creative New Economy.